Friday, February 28, 2020

One Way ANOVA Involves Comparison of Two or More Populetion Means Research Paper

One Way ANOVA Involves Comparison of Two or More Populetion Means - Research Paper Example This sample will be a good one since it will be easier to administer the survey to the 50 employees as compared to the whole population. In addition, by using simple random sampling we will reduce the degree of biasness in the data that we will collect. In our survey, we will use an anonymous questionnaire in which the employees will not be required to provide their personal details like names or employees numbers. Moreover, the questionnaires will be distributed to the respondent by a group of interviewers who will collect them later in the evening. This will not only help in promoting the truthfulness of our data but also the confidentiality and privacy of the respondents.Since the survey will be anonymous there will be no need for individual’s consent. The data we will be aiming to obtain using the questionnaire will not include any form of personal sensitive data. The benefits that respondents will gain from the survey is that the information obtained will be handed over t o the business management team that can use it in determining which kind of incentive to use to motivate them. To protect the interests of my respondents, I decided to use a self-administered questionnaire thus the information obtained by the questionnaire would not be traced to a specific employee. Moreover, I will use people who are not affiliated in any form with the management of the business to distribute and collect the questionnaires. A day or two before the actual date of the survey, I will write an email to all the employees in that business requesting them to participate in the survey if selected for our sample. These pre-message will be dear sir/ madam, two days from now I will distribute some questionnaires to some of you who will be randomly selected for the survey that I have created. The survey relates to a research that I am conducting to determine what motivates employees to work harder. I realize that you might be selected for our sample since the selection will be fully random. Please take a few minutes of your time to complete the questionnaire that will be distributed to you. The questionnaire will be anonymous and less than for pages and thus it will not take much of your time, thank you. I will also send them a post email a day or two after the actual survey date. This message will be a thank you note for helping me in my research by participating in the survey I undertook in your place of work. Any kind of information you volunteered to give will be held with the highest degree of confidentiality and will only be used for this research only, Regards. Our first hypothesis is that motivational program or incentive schemes are effective in improving employees’ performance. In this case, we will have one variable, which will be the number of employees. This variable will be measured in two categories; one category will be those employees who think they are motivated by motivational programs and incentive schemes while the other categ ory will be those who think otherwise. This variable is measuredon an interval basis and it is a numerical variable. This variable will be analyzed using one way ANOVA which can be done using SPSS do determine the categories which carry more weight. â€Å"One way ANOVA involves comparison of two or more population

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Racism in the United States of America Coursework

Racism in the United States of America - Coursework Example With one step forward to curb the vice, America has appeared to make another step behind in the matters concerning racial understanding (Wise, 2013). In the last century, the face of racism was largely whites against blacks, but today racism is multi-colored and has a multicultural face; it has expanded to include antagonism among people of different cultures. Americans made history by electing Barrack Obama as the President of the most powerful nation on the earth. Obama defied expectations in the campaigns by influencing the citizens with his call for hope and change. Since the country chose a black President, some quarters have suggested that racial barriers have been broken. They claim that the long-standing social chauvinism against blacks is a thing of the past since Americans chose a black person to govern them. Some events in the recent past indicate that America has a long way to go so as to have equity among all races (Wise, 2013). The number of people arrested and jailed in the last few decades has increased in America. A majority of the arrests has been associated with the fight against drugs. Although both the whites and blacks have been involved in the illegal activity, the blacks comprised the majority of the people who got arrested. A report by Human Rights Watch in 2008 indicated that although the blacks comprise 14% of the of drug abusers, 37% of the individuals arrested for the offense were black Americans. Consequently, blacks, who comprise 13% of the American population and about 15% of drug abusers, are 37% of the offenders put in custody because of drug crimes (Miah, 2010). Statistics indicate that the police check blacks and Latinos at a higher rate when compared to the whites. In the city of New York, 80% of the police stop involved blacks and Latinos.